Why Aren’t More People Coming to Jesus?

Can we agree on a few points to start? The Bible is the collection of God’s words. The Gospel is the message this world desperately needs. Jesus changes people for time and prepares them for eternity. Are we on the same page? Moving on. If there’s nothing...

The Master Plan of Evangelism

The Master Plan of Evangelism is a book written by Robert E. Coleman back in the 1960s. Remarkably, over 3.5 million copies have been sold. And it was a wise purchase in every case! Perhaps, given the current understanding of the word “evangelism”, it...

Evangelism Isn’t in the Bible

I hope that title got your attention! The word “evangelism” is not in there but the Bible bleeds evangelism anywhere you cut it. You will find the word “evangelist” in the Bible but not the word “evangelism.” The core of that word is “evangel” and that...